Saturday, December 26, 2009

Where will You Go When You Die?

Using words to describe our afterlife, (same as beforelife when we speak in terms of having more than just one go-round here) to describe the afterlife in words is near impossible, as words are twice removed from reality.

So that makes us think of what reality is exactly and why reality is difficult to describe also because we have our common experiences, such as birth, marriage, children, career and then death. Then we have these uncommon experiences we try to describe such as the NDE, which is actually becoming more common.
The NDE (near death experience) is like a mystical journey into the soul circumstances. NDE folks can get a glimpse also of their intentions for becoming a physical person. These intentions often are shrouded from the 3rd eye upon birth, yet some children, up until a certain age, do remember other lives and display uncanny wisdom for their age in so doing. They most often forget, after being told enough times that we simply do not talk about, nor explore such things. Yet being near death physically is not the only cause of a mystical journey into the reality of their soul, and their potential to manifest their intentions laid bare. Dreams are on the increase, such can bleed from a dream a vision also. The same type of visions and experiences that certain prophets of the bible had, for we have come into a time in history where it was written:
Your sons and daughters will have visions.

It is happening now and we may well rejoice the uncommon can blend into the common.

What I really want to say this day of Christmas 2009 is to speak of how it is YOU that create your afterlife circumstances. How so? you might ask. Why, you must have heard this before. It’s not like I’ve said anything new that’s never been said before. You create your afterlife reality by what you are thinking and feeling in this day, in this hour, and on the morrow you continue the pattern of thinking, the habitual pattern, and generally have the same emotions within your energy field.
Then upon transition, whatever you expect the afterlife to be for you, then because you are so creative, it is created by your mind as a display of everything you’ve ever thought or felt, into image constructions which appear to be on the outside of your being.

You are eternal and everything you’ve ever thought does matter, in the Akashic memory banks, the hall of records, whatever you’d like to call it, there is a memory bank in the sky, so to speak. You can tune into it now if you so chose. Within the bible, it does remind us every jot and tittle is accounted for, and this is what I mean, that YOU matter, what you think does matter. When you’re ready, you will remember everyone you’ve ever been, and that pertains to the experiences you had as a particular person.

If you are religious, for example, you will be expecting heavenlike circumstances for this is what you imaged to be so. This is a belief system.
Whatever we believe, then we have a way of making it into a truth circumstance.

Thus it is a commonplace NDE, meaning a collective dream area that a heaven like focus level does exist and those of a like mind, gravitate and create those heaven like regions within that particular belief system area.

Others, perhaps agnostics create an agnostic heaven or belief system and they are swept into their area of “togetherness.”

It is true in the afterlife areas, where there is no solid reality, so to speak that we draw unto us a form, that we could differentiate ourselves perhaps from a cloud-like wave of the likeminded who are merged into a likeness of each other, due to their focus, their particular interest.

Again, you must return to the creative aspect of each being’s mind to be able to draw particles around it’s self, so that identification and relating with others can ensue. Here, in the physical world our bodies function automatically as the form we inhabit, for that lifetime.

We do not have to think about keeping our heart beating, it is automatic. We know when to eat, because we have a hunger signal from the body. If we suffer a wound, we can watch how time closes the wound and we are whole again and healed. It’s all done for us from the moment we inhale our first breath.

On the other side, there is no physical structure to attend to; to house, feed, exercise, heal, etc. and so we exist in this realm by the thoughts and emotions we call belief systems, and a thought becomes a thing.

Traveling is by thinking also although it is swifter and sometimes instant, to find yourself in the location or near the person you had thought of a second ago.
It takes a little getting used to believe we can do this, that time is arranged so very differently on the other side, as is our form making, our individuation process.

On the one hand, we are all as one, in the sense we read each other’s thoughts as a means of communication on the other side, for speaking here, in physical is a matter of utilizing the vocal cords of a heavier type of matter.
It’s impossible to tell a lie on the other side because the mind is being read.
Yet remember what I said; that those who like to tell “big ones” gravitate to each other, to those who also tell “big ones.” There is no judgment in these areas. It is allowed what the common mind has thought, believed, then it is what they have created while they were physical.

There is in that sense, a hell like circumstance on the other side where jailor and prisoner can enact this scenery. Yet it is only as real as they believe it is so, for this is what each expected, if they did not set about building different image scenery in their mind while alive physically. Not that there is an eternal hell. There are many helpers, even sometimes the jailor may be helping the prisoner in a disguised role playing, until the prisoner can get beyond his beliefs to perhaps wonder if this is all there is to his life. Sooner or later, for example the prisoner will wonder when his term is up and this sets off a chain reaction of thoughts whereby the jailor can call upon another helper to visit the prisoner and inform him his term is indeed up and he may now go to a higher level of soul life circumstance.
There is time in that regard on the other side, but it’s more like an eternal now moment.

In essence it is easier to offer a helping hand to others in this afterlife situation.
I have found Robert Monroe is correct in attaining his “basic” while doing his out of body trips.

The basic is both here and there in the afterlife. The basic to adhere to is to remember what our service to life is and continuing to do it throughout the life time so that we don’t fail in our respective intentions as to why we became human here. The basic is Service. To one another, to nation, to family, but some kind of service which benefits another in their soul growth.

Your intentions for incarnation may be really simple, but fullfilling to you. Or you may have a mission of some sort, yet for sure, a lifetime is always of some value to the soul and what gifts you bring here and now, will be the same gifts you bring on the other side, and these create your nonphysical reality.

Robert A. Monroe gives us an example whereby he says he detected a pain/pleasure thermostat, so to speak within his being.
The idea was to keep the pain/pleasure a straightline.
He gives us this example because Hemisync is a balancing type of tool, for the left to right hemispheres of the brain, those two lobes have to learn to communicate with each other; when they do, a person has a “straight” line on the monitor. When we have both sides of the physical lobes working together, it is much easier to think clearly and gain impetus in our journey of life, avoiding illness, and all sorts of mayhem we otherwise might fall into such as, sometimes considered accidents, but there are no accidents whose causes are not hidden in the recessess of the unconscious mind. Hemisync, or the daily practice of meditation, either on self, or on what is appearing as reality to you now, provides a way to get in touch with your eternal being and your intentions for incarnating to develop your interests here.